Kayfield Academy: Nutrition First Approach For Early Childhood Education

At kayfield Academy, we know that good nutrition is essential for children to grow and develop properly. Eating a balanced diet ensures children get the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients they need in order to stay healthy. Without proper nutrition, children are more likely to suffer from illnesses such as obesity or anemia, have weaker immune systems, and be at risk of developing chronic diseases later in life. Nutrition also plays an important role in cognitive development; children require certain key nutrients that help them learn and focus better. Therefore, it’s important for parents to ensure their children are getting the right balance of food groups so they can enjoy all the benefits that come with proper nutrition.

Creating a healthy, balanced diet for children can seem daunting but it doesn’t have to be. Kayfield Academy knows small, simple changes to their food choices can have a big impact on children’s nutrition. Start by making sure they get plenty of fruits and vegetables each day; these provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Incorporate whole grains like oats or quinoa into meals as well; these are important sources of energy and B vitamins. Protein-rich foods such as lean meats, nuts, eggs and beans should also be included in children’s diets as they’re essential for growth and repair of the body’s cells. Finally, limit sugary drinks and treats – instead offer children nutrient-dense snacks that will keep them fueled throughout the day.

Giving Your Toddler the Nutrition They Need for Early Childhood Development

Every parent wants the best for their child, especially when it comes to nutrition. As a toddler’s body and brain are rapidly developing, good nutrition is essential. From age 1 to 3, children need a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods from all five food groups. Moreover, children at this age require adequate nutrients such as calcium, iron, and zinc to help with their development. Let’s look at how you can ensure your toddler is getting the right nutrition they need during early childhood.

Vitamins and Minerals

Our food preparers and staff at Kayfield Academy understand the importance of vitamins and minerals; and know they are integral components of a healthy diet—and that includes toddlers too! Protein helps build muscles and body tissue; vitamins D and C aid in bone growth; vitamin A helps form healthy skin and eyesight; iron carries oxygen throughout the body; zinc supports immune system health; folate assists with cell formation; calcium builds strong bones; omega-3 fatty acids aid brain development; and iodine helps build cognitive functions. These essential nutrients should be part of every toddler’s daily diet.

Food Groups

To ensure your toddler has the proper balance of nutrition, Kayfield Academy makes sure they have a variety of foods from all five food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy products. Fruits provide fiber as well as vitamins A and C while vegetables contain vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, iron zinc , magnesium , phosphorus , potassium , selenium , sodium , etc. Grains provide energy while protein provides muscle-building materials such as meat or fish. Dairy products include milk or yogurt which contain protein in addition to vitamins A and D along with calcium for strong bones .


It’s also important to make sure your toddler is drinking enough fluids throughout the day for hydration purposes! Water should be the primary source of fluid intake for children under four years old but fruit juice can also be included in moderation since it provides additional vitamins and minerals. Avoid sugary drinks like soda or energy drinks.                                                                                                             

With so many nutrients necessary for proper early childhood development, giving your toddler an adequate balanced diet is essential! At Kayfield Academy, we make sure to feed them selections from all five food groups to get those necessary vitamins plus grains for energy sources along with proteins for muscle building materials like meat or fish plus dairy products containing protein as well as Vitamin A & D accompanied by Calcium for strong bones plus fluids throughout the day such as water or fruit juice (in moderation) instead of soda or energy drinks . By following these simple guidelines you can rest assured that your child will receive the proper nutrition they need during early childhood!